Will All Bats in the Attic Have Babies?

There's a pretty good chance the bat or bats that you have seen flying around in the front or back yard will be female bats, especially if you see the animals during the spring or summer months. This is birthing season, and not just for that one animal; all animals from all species will start to give birth. It is quite literally the season of new and fresh life. Bats that you see in the spring or summer cannot be moved … yet. It will almost certainly be a maternity roost, and that means that almost all bats within it will have just given birth or are taking care of bat pups. Those bat pups are entirely reliant on their mothers for a good eight weeks or so of their life, and some even need assistance for a little longer than that. If you were to attempt to move any of the colony during this time, it is very likely that you will kill the youngsters. Trapping or exclusion during this time will not work on the youngsters because they aren't yet leaving the roost.

How will I know if I have bats in the attic?
There are so many signs that you can keep your eyes open for, but one of the biggest giveaways that you have bats in the attic (and, therefore, baby bats in the attic) will be seeing the animals for yourself. These creatures are nocturnal, so if you head outside and look up towards your roof, or the roof of neighboring houses, about an hour or so after the sun goes down, you may see the flying mammals flying and swooping through the air. This will give you a good idea of how and where they are managing to get inside your home. (Or someone else's home.)

Another sign that you have bats and bat babies in the attic is guano — bat droppings. You will find this in the attic, and sometimes on the floor right outside where they are getting in and out of the building. There are plenty of signs to lookout for, but at the slightest whiff of a bat infestation you should give expert wildlife removal technicians a call. You're going to want to hire one that has special expertise in the field of bats.

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