Easiest Way to Get Bats Out of the Wall

Bats can find themselves stuck in the wall for a number of reasons, but they commonly fall down and get stuck down there, or explore too far and get stuck. In some instances, they might even just like it in that tight and compact gap. Either way, you'll probably need to get involved to get them out again.

What Doesn't Work:
Repellents will not work. If the bat is injured or stuck, no amount of repellent will encourage the animal to leave. What it will do, however, is panic the animal, or make it flap its wings harder. This might injure an already injured animal even further and will probably result in its death. Using live cage traps won't work either. Again, if the animal is injured it'll hardly be able to get into the trap to start with. You also can't use traps to get rid of bats. Colonies can contain many bats — hundreds and thousands in some instances — and these will never fit in a trap all at the same time. You will not be able to overcome a bat problem using traps at all.

What Does Work:
Although many bats can be reached from above, looking down into cavities in the wall from the attic, you will find that there are just as many cases that will require you to physically cut out portions of the wall to get to what is hiding behind. This sounds extreme, but is the case when wall cavities and holes are just not reachable from any other direction. The easiest and best way to get bats out of a wall is to hire in a professional bat removal expert — a wildlife control officer who has special expertise in bats. They are a pretty unique animal, and the method of removal will need to be pretty unique too. What works for one property will not work for another, and even the exact same exclusion devices might need to be modified to better work. Each case needs to be figured out on an individual basis, with a dedicated plan of attack created to make sure that all holes are sealed, including wall cavities that animals can fall into.

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